But the overall supernatural frame story wasn't interesting or compelling at all, and the elements of horror (which Mitchell seems to like - see "Slade House" - were a bit repulsive without being interesting.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Review of "The Bone Clocks" by David Mitchell
Monday, December 09, 2024
Review of Howl's Moving Castle
It looked great, of course, but that wasn't enough.
Watched on Netflix.
Review of Paris:13th Arrondisment
Surprisingly, but not entirely implausibly, things sort of work out for everyone in the end.
Watched on BBC iPlayer
Thursday, December 05, 2024
Review of The Holdovers
Watched at Lansdown Film Club, and even though the film was two hours long it went by quickly, with no napping at all.
Monday, December 02, 2024
Review of What's Love Got To Do With It?
Some funny observations about the British Pakistani community, and some nice comic touches every so often. A long middle section in Lahore which felt like it was at least approved, and perhaps funded, by the Pakistan Tourist Board - Lahore looks wonderful and everyone is kind and happy.
Watched on BBC iPlayer. It's theoretically possible to watch iPlayer directly on our internet-connected TV, but in practice it's easier to watch it via phone, app, and Chromecast.
Review of The Boy and The Heron
It's a bit like listening to someone tell you their dream, which is really important to them but makes little sense.
There are lots of explanations online, but none of them feel particularly satisfying.
Oh, and long too, and feeling even longer.
Friday, November 29, 2024
Review of Joy
Watched on Netflix.
Review of "Slow Horses" by Mick Herron
Review of "Shy" by Max Porter
The book, and the performance, alternates between Shy's own voice and those of all the people around him - his mum, his stepfather, the therapists and care workers...
I rarely queue up after the event to meet the author and get a signed book, but I had to do it this time, because I wanted to tell Max Porter how great he had been...I was especially moved by the fact that in his "chat" session at the festival he referred to the Ceasefire vigil taking part outside the venue (none of the other authors seemed to have noticed it) and said that he'd joined for a while and had noticed the Jewish participants.
Ruth read the book after me and wasn't as affected as I was, or as she had been by the other books, which makes me think that the experience of the performance was important in shaping my reading.
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
Review of Let Go (spoilers)
and is poised to leave his wife, the teenage daughter is going to a pole dancing competition, the grandmother is controlling and passive-aggressive, the son has a demanding coeliac condition that is hard to manage. Halfway through we learn that the mother has terminal cancer but isn't telling anyone for fear that the family will fall apart.
It doesn't sound much fun, but it's actually thoughtful and good to watch, with a redemptive happy ending.
Watched on Netflix.
Review of How Do You Know?
Watched on Netflix.
Friday, November 08, 2024
Review of "On Java Road" by Lawrence Osborne
It's very atmospheric and I liked the settings and the characters, but it's rather let down by the plotting. It takes a really long time for the mystery - the disappearance of a young wealthy student protester, who is having an affair with the super-wealthy frenemy of the journalist first-person narrator - to get started. She doesn't actually disappear until two thirds of the way through the book, and after which there's a lot of suspense and threat, but not much really happens.
I'm aware that Lawrence Osborne, the writer, has written a Philip Marlowe novel with the blessing of the Raymond Chandler estate, and I couldn't help thinking that Chandler would have got the basic scenario set up much more quickly/
So I sort of had mixed feelings about the book. But the next novel that I picked up wasn't nearly as well written, so I retrospectively like it more than I did straight after I finished it.
Review of Gettysburg
There are lots of bad reviews, but it seemed a fairly decent battle picture, not prettifying war though perhaps investing it with more grandeur and dignity than it deserves. We do see men die and get wounded, but we don't see the after-effects or the gruesome battlefield amputations or deaths from festering wounds.
It is very very long - four and a half hours. I treated it like a series and watched it in chunks.
There were a few map shots at the beginning but I think I would have appreciated a bit moe about the strategic significance of the battle, and some understanding of how the war went on for so long after this "decisive" battle.
Watched on a USB stick via informal distribution.
Tuesday, November 05, 2024
Review of "The Glass Room" by Simon Mawer
I was a bit bored with this to start with...it seemed sort of plodding, and I wasn't very interested in the characters. The rise of Hitler, the Anschluss, and so on, all felt very predictable and formulaic. Somehow it came alive for me when the consequences of the main male character's affair with a Jewish Viennese prostitute started to play out, and by the end I was moved and engaged. Not sure that I will be reading any more Simon Mawer though.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Review of "The Spinning Heart" by Donal Ryan
Not a long book, but I could only read a few pages at a time, because it felt so intense. Highly recommended.
Review of That We May Face The Rising Sun
There's an awful lot of not much happening, apart from some knowing smiles between the couple, and drinking booze and tea between the couple and the other villagers.
I fell asleep for at least half an hour but I didn't seem to have missed anything.
Oddly the man character reminded me of the man from the Oxo advert series from the 1970s, which I didn't even know I had remembered. Looking again it turns out to have been a false memory, there's little resemblance. Maybe I was thinking of the Tom character from 1970s sitcom The Good Life, where the resemblance is really very strong.
Watched at the Lansdown Film Club.
Monday, October 21, 2024
Review of "Travels with Myself and Another" by Martha Gellhorn
And then she's in the Caribbean, sailing between islands to try to find German U-boats...which she doesn't find at all, but she does encounter lots of other stuff - racists, expats of various nationalities and persuasions, some American air force people.
It's not all war time. She goes to French West Africa as it transitions to phoney independence, and she writes about the racism of the French residents but also her own racism, and in particular the visceral, unwelcome physical reaction she has to the smell and the appearance of some (but not all) Africans.
There's lots more - her attempt to go on a safari with a guide who is a Kikuyu gay Presbyterian "driver" who can't really drive and doesn't know the country at all is brilliant.
Really enjoyable read.
Review of "Timothy's Book: Notes of an English Country Tortoise" by Verlyn Klinkenborg
There's lots of beautiful nature writing, and the additional twist is the imagined perspective of a tortoise, which is slower, but also much longer-lived, than any of the humans in its environment.
This sounds really dull, and I was a bit put off by four pages of celebrity endorsements and quotes from reviews, but it was actually a great read. Oddly I have no memory of how it came to be on our bookshelf, though I see it was purchased from Oxfam in Muswell Hill.
Monday, October 14, 2024
Review of Moulin Rouge
I noticed that the very large elephant in the forecourt of the Moulin Rouge nightclub is surprisingly similar to the the animatronic "Sultan's Elephant" that came to London in 2006 - did the latter borrow from the former, or were they both based on something that existed previously?
Watched in the Common House at Springhill via a USB stick and informal distribution.
Wednesday, October 09, 2024
Review of Rose
I was particularly touched by the way that Rose is more confident and competent when she's in France (where she had a teenage love affair with a married man that precipitated her illness) and when she's speaking French.
Along the way I learned that D-Day is really important to Danish historical memory - I had no idea about this, and about the exiled Danish sailors who participated.
Watched at Lansdown Hall through the film club, and one of the best films I've seen there for a while.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Review of "Mr Phillips" by John Lanchester
He reflects on the pleasures and frustrations of modern life - this book was published in 2000, but it already feels like ancient history...this is a world with compact disc shops in railway stations. There are no smartphones - there may have been one mobile phone mentioned. There's no internet, no online anything.
And Mr Phillips, who is eight years older than me, feels like a person from another era. I know he's supposed to be a big dull and emotionally sclerotic, but none of the people I know who are eight years older than me are like this.
Review of "Cahokia Jazz" by Francis Spufford
Let's started with what I liked. It's alternative history, which is a genre I enjoy - speculative fiction merged with history, what's not to like? And I like the scenario of this one, which is that the variant of smallpox that arrived in North America with the first Europeans was the non-lethal variety, so the Native American population was not devastated. And it ties really nicely into what I recall from The Dawn of Everything including how advanced Native American civilisations were, the existence of potential other routes of development, and Cahokia itself, a Native American urban civilisation.
Spufford has imagined how such a civilisation would have advanced into and alongside the modern, urban, industrial civilisation of the United States - the alt-history Cahokia is part of the US but still somewhat distinct politically and much more distinct culturally. It's well imagined and beautifully described.
I also like the way that Spufford has avoided those long passages explaining the course of the alternative history - in the best tradition of alt-history there's an author's after-note, but no long explanatory passages.
As in his book Golden Hill, Spufford - an English white bloke, as far as I know - has a great insight into the workings of race in America. The main character is of Native American descent but grew up in a white-run orphanage, so he both is and isn't connected to the Native American civilisation of Cahokia. And he's a Jazz musician, so his friends are mainly Black Americans, and he's partly connected to their world too.
The actual murder mystery plot, and the other characters - are great too. I was really sorry when it ended.
I'd like to say a bit more about the ending, which has some parallels with what happened at the end of The Lincoln Highway, but that would be a spoiler.
Review of His Three Daughters
It feels like it could have been a stage play without much difficulty, even though the youngest of the woman sometimes goes outside the apartment to smoke weed.
Definitely worth watching - and I'd be grateful if someone could explain the ending to me.
Watched on Netflix.
Review of The Big Sleep
Despite all this I did enjoy it. I note in passing that Lauren Bacall was not conventionally pretty, and that Humphrey Bogart would be scrawny by the standards of today's Hollywood. The men all wear great suits and hats, the women - even the minor characters - wear great outfits.
Watched on BBC iPlayer via Chromecast.
Monday, September 23, 2024
Review of Elizabethtown
Too long, not funny enough, kept feeling like it should have ended.
Watched on Netflix.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Review of Lee
I was surprised, though, to find out that Miller covered the war, and took some of the first and most harrowing pictures of the Nazi concentration camps, while working for British Vogue. She's really shocked towards the end when she discovers that Vogue hasn't published her most searing pictures; I'm shocked that she ever thought that it might.
Watched at the Vue cinema - haven't done that for a while.
Review of La Chimera
There are some fantasy sequences - things that can't happen in a realistic narrative (for example, when the people on a train turn out to be the dead souls of the graves that he has robbed who want their votive offerings back).
There's a particular good, sinister moment when the gang board a grand and marvellous paddle steamer ship where the fence is making a slick sales presentation to some museum curators, including the presentation of documents of provenance which we know to be forged.
It felt a bit overlong and sometimes confusing, but it was still good.
Watched at Lansdown Hall - a Stroud Film Club showing.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Review of Anna+
Slow and not entirely interesting Dutch film about a young lesbian whose partner moves to Montreal, and she's supposed to follow in a few months, only they both agree to be open and polyamorous and it doesn't work out well as they both find new people to have sex with.
Lots of sex in the film, none of which seemed erotic. The young woman identifies as queer but both her and her girlfriend (the word they use in the subtitles) seem very vanilla and un-queer, though there's a bit of drag dressing up with her bunch of lovely lesbian and gay friends.
Watched on Netflix. I'm glad it was there - positive role models for young LGBTQ people and all that - but it was a bit boring for me.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Review of "Another Country" by James Baldwin
Sunday, September 08, 2024
Review of "Harlem Shuffle" by Colston Whitehead
Thursday, September 05, 2024
Review of 3000 Years of Longing
Monday, August 19, 2024
Review of Joyride
Review of Wicked Little Letters
A nice period piece of a film, with Olivia Colman as the recipient (and - spoiler alert, but not much of one - the writer) of obscene poison pen letters in Littlehampton. Lots of cameo roles for great British actors - Colman is just great.
Review of "The New Authoritarians Convergence on the Right" by David Renton
Declaration of interest - I know David Renton, and I think he's great. He's very astute politically, he avoids glib explanations and snappy prescriptions, and he writes very well in a way that is accessible and intelligent.
So no surprise that I liked this book very much. It makes several very important points; firstly that not every manifestation of the far right is fascist - fascism is a particular form of far right politics, with an emphasis on violence, control of the streets, and a "revolution" against the liberal state. So other versions of the far right, including the electorally successful versions in Europe, North America and Asia, have made their peace with elections and with a version of the liberal state. I don't think Renton says so explicitly, but the main differentiator isn't ideological or policy content. Fascists have been all over the place in terms of policies. They are clearly not free market ideologues, and often advocate a role for the state in managing the economy that would not be out of place in middle-of-the road Social Democracy.
The second important point is that calling out the far right as fascists isn't only inaccurate, it's also decreasingly effective. There was a time, especially in the 1970s, that it was enough to demonstrate the historic links between the far right and the fascists of the inter-war and wartime periods. Since everyone thought that Nazis and fascists were bad, proving the connection was enough to place the far right outside the domain of acceptable politics. Sadly, that's no longer the case. The taint of Nazism is wearing thin and as a younger generation without personal memories of the antifascist generation don't care nearly so much. Nazism isn't as a toxic as it once was.
Which means that different tactics, and different arguments are called for in confronting the far right in its present manifestations. Responding with classic antifascist rhetoric and tactics is not going to work in the way that it once did.
I think Renton is also saying that addressing the root causes from which the far right draws its strength - in particular the failure of liberal capitalism to live up to its promises - is not only the most comprehensive response to the far right, but it's ultimately the only thing that will be effective.
Review of "Hot Time in the Old Town: The Great Heat Wave of 1896 and the Making of Theodore Roosevelt" by Edward P. Kohn
Despite this not being a brilliant book there's lots to think about - how our cities are going to cope with climate change, for one thing. And also about how the United States has always been separate economies forced into a single sovereign state, and the Populist moment was about the way that the agricultural west didn't really belong in the same monetary system as the industrial North East.
Friday, August 16, 2024
Review of "Lily" by Rose Tremain
I read it during my recent bout of covid, and it was absolutely perfect for that - engaging without being too intellectually or emotionally demanding.
Review of All Quiet on the Western Front
It does capture the randomness of death and the awful pathos of war, even though this was mainly a war in which combatants died and civilians didn't - perhaps it was the last such war.
I have a dim memory of the first film on the book, and this includes things that I don't remember being in that, as well as leaving out some of the poignant details from that - wasn't the protagonist a butterfly collector? Doesn't he die reaching for a butterfly?
Wednesday, August 07, 2024
Review of "Pigs in Heaven" by Barbara Kingsolver
Tuesday, August 06, 2024
Review of "Every Secret Thing: My Family, My Country" by Gillian Slovo
Gillian Slovo is (or at least was, when she wrote the book) still angry with her parents for not loving her as much as they loved the struggle; something she acknowledges herself finding in the children of other figures from the movement, including Mandela's daughter. So there's sometimes a petulant, aggrieved tone to the book, and it doesn't make me want to know the author.
But there's lots to absorb, about what people in the opposition to Apartheid went through, especially those white people in leadership roles - and about the way it played out in their personal lives.
And I'm aware, too, that it's a little bit of insight into the world in which Ruth grew up, even though her parents were not actively engaged in any kind of anti-Apartheid politics while in South Africa - though they did have personal relationships with many of the people that were.
Every so often Slovo seems to remember that her parents were both Jewish, but it doesn't feature in a major way - maybe it didn't for them either. Some of the considerations of this seem implausible - could her grandmother really have forgotten her childhood Yiddish so thoroughly that she was no longer able to speak to her own mother?
Review of The Ballad of Buster Scruggs
Well worth watching.
It's on Netflix but I foolishly watched it via informal channels, meaning I had to faff about with USB stick unecessarily.
Review of Civil War
The narrative focuses on a group of press photographers, and there is some reflection on the role of the media in war time, but it doesn't go very deep.
The film ends with the storming of Washington DC, and then the White House, where team of soldiers find and kill the defeated US President, and then pose smiling by his body.
Lots of affect, but not much thought - perhaps just a warning for Americans to draw back from the brink?
Watched via informal distribution.
Review of Georgia Rule
Not many laughs, and a narrative structure that lurches from crisis to crisis rather than building up a plot and characters.
Watched on Netflix.
Friday, August 02, 2024
Review of "Bournville" by Jonathan Coe
I remember quite a few of these myself - especially the Investiture, the wedding of Charles and Di, and Di's funeral. Recalling them didn't bring me any pleasure.
Looking forward to another Coe book with a subject that I can get behind, because I do like his writing.
Review of The Sisters Brothers
I don't need to talk you through all the rest of the plot twists, but there are plenty, and it's a lot to do with the relationship between the brothers, and with their now-dead father.
I watched this with Covid, and I liked it much more than I expected to.
Thanks to BBC iPlayer.
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Review of "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow" by Gabrielle Zevin
Review of "If Beale Street Could Talk" by James Baldwin
It's not long but it took me quite a while to read, because I wanted to savour each passage.
Review of Fighting with my family
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CineMaterial, Fair use, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?curid=59374165 |
It's a form of dramatised acrobatics really, with a morality play overlay - the villains, the surprises, the comebacks. Everybody involved knows it's not real fighting, especially the audience, but they relish the opportunity to participate in the fiction that it is.
The film was quite enjoyable, but wasn't quite able to make up its mind as to whether there really is any drama in who "wins" the bouts - to be a sport film the hero has to have an against-the-odds triumph, but since the film makes it abundantly clear that professional wrestling is a choreographed acrobatic drama, not a contest, we can't really have that. But then we get it anyway, which feels wrong.
I note in passing that none of the actors playing the wrestlers have tattoos, which seems improbable.
Monday, July 15, 2024
Review of Random Hearts
I note in passing that the film is 25 years old, and that the main way this manifests itself is the phones - one or two characters have cellphones, but there's a lot of payphone usage, and plot elements turn on messages left on answer machines. Will this be incomprehensible to a future generation?
Watched on Netflix, a rare decent film there.
Review of "The Virgin and The Gipsy" by D H Lawrence
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Review of Pressure Point
Watched on Netflix.
Review of De Lovely
Watched via informal distribution.