Monday, February 01, 2021

Review of 'The Dig'

Quite good period drama about the excavation of the Sutton Hoo ship, set (as was the real excavation) in the last days before the outbreak of WW2. Lots of class prejudice - Ralph Fiennes plays Basil Brown, the 'excavator' (not a proper archaeologist, see) who begins the dig, finds the ship, and is then more or less pushed out by posher chaps from the British Museum who hear about the find and take it over. There's a love story - one of the archaeologists is a woman whose archaeologist husband is obviously not interested in her or women in general, and she falls for the young handsome cousin of the lady on whose land the ship is found. Lots of unhappiness, and the sense that the find is something to do with the English identity that is about to be tested in the war.

Watched on Netflix.

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