Lots of women are
reading 'Fifty Shades of Grey'. Really really lots. They read it on
trains, on planes, in airports. Quite a few of them complain that it
was badly written and that it was a struggle to read all five hundred
pages, not to mention what a drudge it was to read the sequels. Some
compare it adversely to 'The Story of O', which was much more
literary, apparently. Few mention that it was any sort of turn-on.
What's unusual about
Fifty Shades is that it's S&M for women. Although it's often
taken for granted that
sexuality is somehow linked to masochism, there
isn't much evidence of this in the form of material actually aimed at
women. There's a huge amount of material designed to gratify male
masochism. S&M permeates 'straight' male porn, and non-porn or
'soft porn' depictions of sexy women. Fetish clothes and props like
whips and riding crops abound. These objects have more or less become
signifiers of sexualisation. Images of men being dominated by
leather-clad women with whips are commonplace in
photography and in
videos. What was once a slightly shameful
'outlaw' sexual orientation is now heading for the
What is behind this? I
think that sexual masochism, for both women and men, is a response to
the increasingly complex demands of modern life. Everyday life
involves ever more choices. Some of these are trivial (like which of
27 different kinds of milk to buy), but they still take up brain
resource. Others are both very difficult to make and of great
consequence – how to save sufficient money to avoid an old age of
misery while still managing to live somewhere decent enough to bring
up a family. This
of choice has been much commented upon. It's
been observed that the
you are, the less time you seem to have –
because having more money means that more options (even for pleasure)
are open to you, competing for your time and mental resources.
Everyday life involves
more role conflict than it used to. We are parents for longer,
because though our 'children' have their own ideas about how to
dress, socialize, and spend their time earlier than their
predecessors, they are financially dependent on us until much later
in life, because the demands of the education system, the labour
market and the current housing market are much more cruel to them. We
are children for longer too, because our parents live longer than
their predecessors, surviving the physical ailments that used to kill
them to 'enjoy' a life of declining mental faculties and social
disadvantage in a culture that does not celebrate or value old age.
The flexible labour market means that our jobs are not secure, the
'delayering' havoc of repeated waves of management consultant-led
reorganisations have done away with the expectation of a career path,
and a self-managed career means both frequent job changes and lots of
effort to demonstrate 'good attitude'. And that's at the same time as
being a good parent and a dutiful child.
There are a few
palliatives to this. A few people can manage to practice mindfulness
and meditation, consciously and actively clearing this stuff from
their minds when it isn't helpful or appropriate – but this is
really hard word that takes a lot of training and effort. Activities
that offer total engagement and 'flow' can do the same thing via
physical discipline, which some people find easier than mental
training. Joyful submission to a religious system cuts down on lots
of choices and gives strong guidance on how to resolve those that
remain. For those looking for a quick fix, safely bounded fear of the
kind offered by a horror film or apparently dangerous theme park ride
can provide a few hours or minutes of relief by focusing the mind
exclusively on present circumstances.
And then there's S&M
sex. Sexual arousal provides the focus on the moment, and sexual
submissiveness provides the abication of responsibility and the
demands of role. Under the control of another, it's possible to
escape from all those choices and conflicting demands. For the time
of the session, the submissive is completely absorbed in their own
feelings, of both pain and pleasure. It's been suggested that the
these two sensations are linked rather than opposites, that the
distinction between them is not as clear-cut as sometimes supposed –
or that at least s
people have their wires crossed in such a way as to confuse the way
that they experience pain and pleasure.
may be so, but I think the pay-off from sadomasochism is primarily
social and cognitive rather than physiological. The benefit is the
freedom from choice and responsibility; pain is the price that the
submissive pays in order to lend versimillitude and make it feel like
the freedom is genuine. That's what the props are for too – the
whips, the bondage, the fetish clothing. They are necessary to
sustain the fantasy, in the same way the price of a lottery ticket is
needed to sustain the brief fantasy of winning the lottery. Having
nasty things done to you, or being forced to do nasty things, is
proof to yourself that you really can't make any choices, and are
therefore genuinely 'free' from your responsibilities.
This has
been presented as the domain of high-status men (as depicted in
the film about Cynthia Payne '
Services', where all of the clients seem to be
generals and high court judges), but it now seems to work for lots of
men, and as the success of Fifty Shades illustrates, for women too.
We've all got too much responsibility and too many choices now.
The consequence is that
S&M comes to stand for the kind of transcendence from the
everyday that sex used to represent. When music videos represent a
woman as sexy, she wears leather or latex and waves a whip about.
Whereas once a sitcom would get a laugh out of allowing a couple to
be discovered having sex, now it depicts them as having S&M sex.
When an advertisement depicts an executive having a session with a
prostitute in his office,
is a dominatrix. For many men, the props of S&M have become
quite literally fetishes, in that they are imbued with the aura of
sex even though they are not sexual objects.
There is another
reason, too, why S&M sex is not a useful escape route from the
pressures of everyday life. Acting out domination fantasies actually
takes a great deal of care and attention. Few people really enjoy
serious amounts of pain and discomfort. There is a thin line between
sustaining the pretence that the submissive has surrendered control and
actually hurting. As the anti-porn feminist Andrea Dworkin, and lots
of others more sympathetic to S&M have noted, it is the
submissive who is
in control of the S&M session. But where can the submissive
find someone who is up to this difficult task? More men might be
inclined towards submission, but there isn't a corresponding increase
in the number of women who want to play the role of the dominatrix.
They're all out looking for their own Christian Grey.
S&M is not an
escape from the pressures of everyday life but a dead end, an
engagement with yet another set of roles and responsibilities to be
negotiated. Maybe it would be different under socialism...