Saturday, December 25, 2021

Review of 'Desperately Seeking Susan'

The 1980s film where Rosanna Arquette plays a bored suburban housewife (yes, that's what she calls herself, and how the blurb describes her) who follows the rendezvous of wild-at-heart urban coolster Madonna and her punk musician boyfriend Jim, who stay in touch with each other via personal ads in the New York Mirror.

The film seems to be from a world not unlike our own, but sits on the other side of the pre-internet chasm. There is no internet, no mobile phones (just great big chunky corded ones, and payphones, and answering machines)...and personal columns in local newspapers, in which people place ads in person, by filling in paper forms and handing over cash.

I note in passing that Rosanna Arquette won the award for 'best supporting actress' for this, even though she is the central's her story, and she's on screen much more than Madonna, who barely acts. But hey ho, Hollywood. Just remember that if you are tempted to take any interest in the awards. I note also that Rosanna Arquette doesn't really act very well, and that she was never in much else.

Watched on BBC iPlayer via Chromecast and smartphone app.

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