Sunday, December 19, 2021

Review of 'The Power of The Dog'

Really powerful, beautiful film - nice to know that there are still some really good ones being made. Atmospheric, menacing without any actual violence, fabulous acting and great cinematography without any gimmicks. Lots about suppressed and not-so-suppressed male homosexuality and toxic masculinity. Now I can't wait to read the book, though I will have to because I have so many other books stacked up waiting to be read.

Just wondering - it's set in 1925 Montana, so Prohibition is in force, but it doesn't actually seem to be. They are serving spirits in the hotel, cocktails at a party with the Governor, and Kirsten Dunst's character is drinking herself to death without a bootlegger in sight. Is that what Prohibition was actually like outside the big cities?

Best film watched on Netflix for years.

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