Friday, March 04, 2022

Review of Winter on Fire

Watched this last night. I learned very little about Ukranian recent history...hard not to feel that I was being played to some extent. There's nothing about the divisions in Ukraine between East and West, or about the murky history of the Orange Revolution, or the background to it...just lots of footage of ghastly brutality by the riot police. 

Watched it thinking about how pitiful the XR matras about nonviolence seem...according to the Hallam/Chenoweh formula, this was a "non-violent" struggle (less than 1000 people died), but it really really wasn't, and it was only the protestors' use of physical force that kept them in place and allowed the uprising to succeed. And none of them begged to be arrested so as to clog up Ukraine's justice and prison system.

Watched on Netflix.

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