Monday, November 26, 2018

Review of 'The Land of Steady Habits'

Another really sad film, this time about people who are comparatively rich and successful, but still confronted by emptiness and failed relationships. There are occasional laughs, but it's mainly pretty bleak. Rubbish friendships, loneliness, and erectile disfunction.

The children of the successful people are all lost, drifting between drugs, booze and rehab. The parents are trying to do their best but don't know what that is - there's a touching moment when one dad tells the son of another couple how they'd taken away their son's teddy bear because they'd been worried he would be teased, and he'd been devastated.

Again, something of an implausibly happy ending. Even indie movies can't seem to stomach confronting us with the full bleakness of the stories they describe.

Watched on Netflix via phone and Chromecast.

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