Saturday, November 12, 2022

Review of Sweetheart

Not the horror-survivalist film with the same name, thank goodness.

From the poster, and the blurb on the iPlayer home page, this looked like it would be a sweet and amusing coming-of-age comedy (it was described as such), but it was actually quite thoughtful but a bit sad. There's a happy ending with a reconciliation/redemption at the end, but along the way it's really challenging. Young lesbian teen on holiday at a depressing static caravan park with her separated mum, nine-year-old younger sister, and pregnant older sister and the sister's lovely kind and handsome boyfriend, develops a crush on one of the young female lifeguards, and then some fraught stuff about relationships in and out of the family.

Some good acting, and lovely shots of the park and the surrounding seascapes. Worth watching, I just need to see something that's actually funny at the moment.

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