Tuesday, December 05, 2023

Review of Polite Society

Lots of promise, largely not delivered. Written by the woman behind "We Are Ladyparts", which was brilliant, but this isn't. It's like someone thought that they should do a toned-down version of Ladyparts, so it's still set in a British-Muslim family context, but it's less harsh about the constricting nature of that family life for those who don't fit in - here the young heroine isn't a lesbian, she just aspires to do martial arts and be a stuntwoman. So non-normative, but more in a silly way than a threatening one.

And it is mainly just silly. It's knockabout in a way that makes it seem like it was intended to be a kids' film, but with enough sexual content to make it inappropriate for that. Maybe there's an Asian martial arts movie genre that I am not familiar with, so I'm missing some of of the parody references. Some occasional funny bits, but mainly not all that funny.

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