Monday, October 14, 2024

Review of Moulin Rouge

I haven't watched this since it came out back in 2001, and it was an absolute joy to watch - fabulous sets, lovely costumes, surprisingly good singing from a younger Euan McGregor and Nicole Kidman. Lots of nice details that bear looking at more than once, like Kylie's cameo as the anise fairy early on.

I noticed that the very large elephant in the forecourt of the Moulin Rouge nightclub is surprisingly similar to the the animatronic "Sultan's Elephant" that came to London in 2006 - did the latter borrow from the former, or were they both based on something that existed previously?

Watched in the Common House at Springhill via a USB stick and informal distribution.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Review of Rose

A Danish film about a middle-aged woman with schizophrenia whose sister (and sister's husband) takes her on a coach trip to Paris. It's not billed as a comedy, but there are some very funny moments in it, along with lots of pathos and tragedy. I don't know to what extent schizophrenia is like this - and there's not much attempt to portray Rose's inner world, just her outer behaviour. 

I was particularly touched by the way that Rose is more confident and competent when she's in France (where she had a teenage love affair with a married man that precipitated her illness) and when she's speaking French.

Along the way I learned that D-Day is really important to Danish historical memory - I had no idea about this, and about the exiled Danish sailors who participated.

Watched at Lansdown Hall through the film club, and one of the best films I've seen there for a while.