Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Review of 'Agency' by William Gibson

I quite enjoyed this, but I can't say for sure that I understood it properly. There were bits of the narrative that I sort of skimmed over. I enjoyed the descriptions, especially the ones that are supposed to be of the present - somehow Gibson manages to make the current world seem just as weird and distant as the far future. I liked the descriptions of the parallel universe in which Hillary wins the US election and Brexit doesn't happen, and not only because that's the account I would have preferred, but also because he illustrates well how that alternative present isn't a happy ending but just a different set of problems. 

I can't say for sure if all the stuff about branching stubs - alternative versions of the past, seen from the perspective of the future - actually makes sense or not. I suspect Gibson has it all very clear in his mind or on his storyboard, but it wasn't so to me. 

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