Tuesday, March 02, 2021

Review of 'Kinamand'

Odd Danish film about a (not-very-good) plumber who separates from his wife...well, she separates from him really, because he's not very rewarding as a partners, and then spends his evenings eating in a cheap Chinese restaurant, where he ends up fixing the plumbing, befriending the owner, and the going through a marriage of convenience with the man's sister. 

The title means 'Chinaman', because that's what one of the other white customers of the Chinese restaurant - another isolated and bitter older man - calls him when he discovers that the plumber eats there every night. I don't know if it has the same racist connotations in Danish as it does in English...from the character I'd say it does, but I'm not sure.

I'd say it's not quite sure what gender it belongs in, but it was quite engaging and moving.

Watched on Netflix.

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